Feko: ERROR 40619: Intersecting elements found
Jizheng He
Altair Community Member
Hi, I am having the error ERROR 40619: Intersecting elements found with my reflector when running the FEKO solver.
- I have one single 3D element created by subtraction, therefore not needing to union anything.
- The reflector is aluminum, so I set the region of the reflector to free space and added aluminum with thickness = actual thickness to all faces of the reflector.
- The meshing is done by default mesher with meshing size standard and custom growth rate = 10.
- I checked Mesh > Find > Clashing Geometry, Mesh > Find > Intersecting Triangles, etc. and all of them yields negative.
- Model Status is valid.
- The videos in this post seems to be obsolete. The POSTFEKO viewing-the-mesh technique is also not practical since my model has ~2M triangles and ~7k lines of "intersection found" messages in my .out file.
What is the cause of this problem? Why is it not validated by Mesh > Find tools?
P.S. My reflector:
Seems like using curvilinear meshing and enabling high-order features in MoM solver settings work. The mesh triangle count decreases from ~2.5M to 10k.