Windscreen solution on a car

I was simulating a windscreen antenna in FEKO using windscreen solution and I got the results as I expected. I used a plane wave as a source and calculated the currents at the windscreen antenna by placing a wire port between two wires. But when I introduce a CAR into the model, and simulate the windscreen antenna along with the car then I do have different results. I am not sure why?
I performed the same process in other tool (CST) and I got the results what I expected. But in FEKO they are different. I am not sure whether I need to consider any special settings in case a car model is introduced in FEKO. Could you please give me any suggetsions ?
Hi Sra
Could you please clarify:
- With FEKO you are seeing different results for the currents induced on the windscreen wires with and without the car included in the model?
- With CST you are seeing the same results with and without the car model included?
Johan H
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Hi Johan,
Yes what you said is right. With CST I have same results and with FEKO I have different results.
Please see the simulation results from the attached files . For reference I also attached a figure showing how the windscreen is placed. [Note: There is no connection between windscreen and chasis]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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Hi @Sra
Can you also include the impedance plots for the 2 different scenarios? - this might bring more insight into what is happening.
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Hi Peter,
Currently I dont have any Impedance plots. I requested only currents in the simulation.
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Would it be possible to attach the FEKO models?
I must say that at around 100MHz I would expect that adding the vehicle does actually influence the antenna performance. Is there a reason why you expect that the vehicle will not change the antenna impedance?
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I thought that there should be no change as the antenna is not connected to the car. But now I realized that there should be a change.
I made a mistake in CST [ Actually CST was not considering the car body as a PEC material and when I changed to PEC ] now the results from both tools are correct.
The problem is solved.
Thanks to Johan and Peter for your time.