Port and Boundary conditions for a Absorber (Pyramid Absorber))

Sra Altair Community Member
edited 2020 04 in Community Q&A



I would like to calculate S-parameters for an Pyramid absorber which is used in anechoic chamber. But I am not sure about the port and boundary conditions to be used. I used a waveguide port, but I got a warning saying that The modes at a waveguide port are all evanescent. If anyone has information or an example file, could you please let me know.





  • Johan_Huysamen
    Altair Employee
    edited 2018 20

    Hi Sra


    This application could be modeled using the Periodic Boundary Conditions formulation to represent an infinite array of such pyramid absorbers. By applying a Plane wave source and requesting Transmission and reflection coefficients you would get the reflection behavior of this structure.


    Example C4 from the FEKO Examples Guide shows the use of the Periodic Boundary Conditions for characterizing a Frequency Selective Surface, but the same approach should apply to your application. The PDF version of the FEKO Examples Guide - ExampleGuide.pdf - can be found at C:\Program Files\Altair\2018\help\feko\pdf


    Kind regards,

    Johan H

  • Sra
    Sra Altair Community Member
    edited 2018 24

    Hi Johan,


    Thanks a lot for your help. I will follow the example.


