Particle adhesion parameter for large number of particles

Kiran Purushothama Keshavan
Kiran Purushothama Keshavan Altair Community Member
edited February 2024 in Community Q&A


I have a total of 40 plus particle diameter sizes for my simulation and I want to apply particle surface energy for all of them.
The surface energy tab looks something like this as given in the screenshot.

My question is:
1. Is there a way to give surface energy values for all particles at once?
2. I also see a lot of particle names in the list which have been repeating, why does this happen? (Refer screen shot 2)

Please clarify.




  • jerrinjobs
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2024

    Hi Kiran

    You need to specify the surface energy for every interaction between any two materials within EDEM (the high number is because of the high number of pairs). There is no way to apply the same surface energy values all at once, because that is generally not physical.

    If you have different materials, the surface energy between each of them would be different. On the other hand, if you have different sizes of the same material, you can just specify one interaction for the material. To create different particle sizes, you can apply an appropriate particle size distribution to your particle, or create multiple particles of different shapes/sizes within the same material, instead of creating multiple materials.

    Hope this helps.