How to avoid "zero division" in Modelica

Minoru Yubuchi_21420
Minoru Yubuchi_21420 New Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Dear Experts,


My Modelica sript contains the following equation:


  tan(gamma) = (y - y_b)/(x - x_b);


where y, x, x_b, y_b are variables. 


Please let me have your advice how to avoid zero-division (to avoid to become x=x_b) in Modelica script.


When I tried to insert the following statements in Modelica argorithm section:


  if abs(x-x_b) <= 0.01 then
    x := x_b + 0.01;
  end if; 


of cource, as you expected, Activate issued the error: system is overdetermined.



Minoru Yubuchi


  • RoKet
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2019

    Hi Minoru,


    To solve the division by zero you can use an if-clause. I have used an additional variable auxval, alternatively you can use the tan(gamma)-expression directly inside the if-clause.


         Real auxval(start=0.01);  equation      if (abs(x - x_b) <= 0.01) then         auxval = 0.01;     else         auxval = x - x_b;     end if;          tan(gamma) = (y - y_b) / auxval;

    Best regards,


  • Minoru Yubuchi_21420
    Minoru Yubuchi_21420 New Altair Community Member
    edited June 2019



    Thank you very much!


    Minoru Yubuchi