Simsolid: Base Excitation for Sine/Random/Shock

Hi All,
I need a clarification concerning the Base Excitation for Sine/Random/Shock Analyses.
Considering a Sine with a constant Amplitude=1 m/s^2 applied to an immovable constraint, in the output plot of the acceleration on the same constraint I don't find the same input spectrum.
Considering a Random with a constant PSD=1 (m/s^2)^2/Hz applied to an immovable constraint, in the output plot of the acceleration on the same constraint I don't find the same input spectrum.
Only in the shock analysis, considering a constant acceleration=1 (m/s^2) applied to an immovable constraint, in the output plot of the acceleration on the same constraint I find excatly the same input spectrum.
I'm probably doing something wrong.....
Many Thanks in advance for your support.
Hi Orlando,
That’s correct, when viewing the graph of the results, the output values are not equal to the input values. This is due to how SimSolid applies the load. SimSolid starts applying the load from 0 and gradually increases until it matches the input value that was added.
Therefore, the results that are far from the application area/face are correct and have been validated. The problem arises when the comparison is made around application of the base excitation.
Nevertheless, this is in the road map and it's being enhanced for future releases.