Working with include files

Jaja Altair Community Member
edited November 2023 in Community Q&A

Hi guys.


I want to work with Include option.


If I write it include "Filename.fem" in the master .fem file it is sweet as, 

However when i try to define path (for server run) it is not working'

I tried optistruct -incpath "Path"

Also INFILE "Path"


Both not working. I am recieving in "correct card" error and "can not open the file"

And more, where i can see the detail of that error. It is not wrtiten in .tcl file.


Thank you 





  • Rajashri_Saha
    Altair Employee
    edited November 2023

    Hi Jaja,

    You can just keep the include file in same location as master file and mention the name of include file in master file ( INCLUDE, filename.fem). This will work when you submit the run locally.

    When you submit the run in server, you need to select the include file where there is option to select the include file path. See the attached pic.

    You can refer the below link too.

