Optimization without vertical structures

Hi all,
I’m trying to achieve a specific shaped structure through optimization but I couldn’t reach this goal yet.
I want to achieve a structure which (of course) fulfill all constraints, with minimize weight. So far so good but I want that during the optimization, no horizontal structures are created
I tried it with draft in one direction, but the results were no satisfying. At least it would maybe help if it is possible to create two different draw directions (x- and y-direction). Is this possible?
I also tried to manipulate the AM-Overhang-Constraints with 0° in horizontal and 60° vertical to get structures with at least 40° vertical, but through this it needs over 100h for 6 Iterations without creating an satisfying shape.
Is there a workaround I haven’t considered yet?
Thanks in advance!
Which version Of OptiStruct you are using for Overhang constraint? Please refer attached document for overhang constraints recommendation.
HyperWorks 2019 is released last week so you could try this on same.
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thanks for your reply. I am using 2017.2.
I read your docment. I am using the overhang like it is shown there, but the problem remains the sam. It worked (acceptable calculation time) for 60deg with an overhang ov 10deg, but the result was not satisfying because only the print direction is taken into account (no rotation of this direction to get the 60+-10deg in all all directions) which makes sense.
Maybe this doesn't work porperly because it's not thought for this.
Is there any other way to achieve a structure without vertical members?
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This feature of overhang angle was originally developed in OptiStruct 2017.2 version. Since then I see a lot has been added and improved.(Version 2017.2.1/2017.2/2017.2.3 & 2018.0)
Latest released version is OptiStruct 2019.Requesting you to tryout in newer version for better outcome.