Shell beam connection

How can i connect beam element with shell element in explicit analysis? I want all forces in 6 dofs can be transmitted between beam and shell. I tried using rbody, select shell nodes and one of the beam node as slave but beam starts to rotate while analysing. Then, tried type 2 contact but it is still the same. Are there any other solution? i attached a drawing.
Hi HydroHyper,
What is the Spotweld formulation have you used in type2 interface?
can you try with SPOTflag= 4?
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Hi Prakash Pagadala,
Thank you for your answer. I used SPOTflag = 0 because i want rotational degrees of freedom to be transmitted. But I tried now SPOTflag = 4 result is still the same. The drawing at my first message shows that i dont want. I want beam end rotates with shell?
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If I have understood correct, when the force is applied, the shell should rotate along with the beam, ryt?
For this maybe you should release the rotational dof for the shell elements.
Why not try with type7 instead of type2?