Meshed coils accounting for skin and proximity losses

I am using the "Coil Loss Models" in FLUX to calculate the skin and proximity effect losses in the stator winding of a high-speed motor. I am carrying out the study using 2D Steady-State simulations.
I have couple of questions about the tool.
1) Does the detailed model work with voltage-fed models (FE domain coupled to a circuit with voltage sources)? or do we strictly need current-fed models?
2) Does the resistance value in the red box represent the DC winding resistance of the active regions except the endwinding calculated by the software? also, do I need to insert a value in the blue box? what does this value would represent?
To model the endwinding (3D effect accounted by the coupled circuit), I am adding a separate resistance (green box).
Thank you in advance for your help and support.
Hello Marco,
Here are the answers to your questions :
1) No, it is not restricted to current fed models. Voltage fed circuit can also be used.
2)The resistance value in red box represents the Dc resistance of winding regions represented in Geometry.
Additional resistance in blue box represents the resistance user can add to account for winding that is not represented in geometry (end winding).
If you are adding sperate resistance as in green box, do not add any resistance in the blue box.
Let us know, if you have any questions.
Thank you,
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Lavanya Vadamodala_20519 said:
Hello Marco,
Here are the answers to your questions :
1) No, it is not restricted to current fed models. Voltage fed circuit can also be used.
2)The resistance value in red box represents the Dc resistance of winding regions represented in Geometry.
Additional resistance in blue box represents the resistance user can add to account for winding that is not represented in geometry (end winding).
If you are adding sperate resistance as in green box, do not add any resistance in the blue box.
Let us know, if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Dear Lavanya,
thank you for your kind response.
Is it possible to use this tool in 2D time-stepping (transient magnetic) simulations too?Thank you,
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Marco Biasion said:
Dear Lavanya,
thank you for your kind response.
Is it possible to use this tool in 2D time-stepping (transient magnetic) simulations too?Thank you,
Hi Marco,
Yes you can do the simulation in Flux_2D transient application as well with same options for coil modelling, but the difference is here the source(either current or voltage source) is defined with a formulae.
Thanks and regards
Karun Teja