Exporting polynurbs to parasolid + reduce thickness
Hello all,
I fitted polynurbs to my optimized structure and exported it to NX via a parasolid file type. But when i open this file in NX
it looks to me that the partitions i used and the optimized structures (non-design space) are not 'connected'. They seem to be seperate files
but i want them to be one assembly because I need to do an FEA study on the whole structure. Does anybody know how to fix this?
I also have a second question. My optimized structure does seem to have a lot of full planes (I added some photos as a link at the bottom). But i don't want a lot of planes because my
structure will be 3D printed in metal and i don't want a lot of thermal stresses and deformation. So does anybody know how to get a lot of thin arms instead of full planes?
I already tried to use the 'maximum thickness' constraint but it didn't seam to do the job.
Which version of Inspire you are using? Did you try with any other manufacturing constraints. If possible please share the .stmod file.