Problem with spin

Could anyone tell me why i get this when I use spin to extrude 2d elements to 3d elements!!?
Base point is defined at the center but the elements close to it are not spinning!!
Also do u you where i can change node tolerance? when I try to create really small mesh, it keep telling me that the mesh size is adjusted to node tolerance! I think the above mentioned problem is because of that node tolerance. I mean the 3d nodes that are smaller than the node tolerance are not being spun.
Never mind! fixed it... i was right, the problem was because of node tolerance which reducing it fixed the issue.
it was here: at the menu bar... preferences > meshing option > node tol.
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You have a lot of .... bad elements at center
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Altair Forum User said:
You have a lot of .... bad elements at center
yup... changed it completely
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