*** ERROR # 4903 *** TABLES1 bulk data entry ID=1 has a segment that corresponds to zero or negative hardening.

Theo_21327 Altair Community Member
edited June 2023 in Community Q&A

Hi All,

I used SimLab 2022 to follow the tutorials "OS-SL-T: 1000 Nonlinear Analysis of Rubber Ring" but failed with errors.

The .out is attached below.  ID=1 is the rubber material which is imported from "Rubber_Material.xml" file.

There were 3 error messages during input processing.   The first message is repeated below:      *** ERROR # 4903 ***   TABLES1 bulk data entry ID=1 has a segment that corresponds to zero or   negative hardening. Make sure that x-value in TABLES1 entry is stretch ratio,   not engineering strain (stretch_ratio = 1.0 + engineering strain).     *** Run terminated because of error(s) in the input data.

After reading the file, I found that I can use " PARAM, CHECKMAT,NO" to bypass, but I did not find this in the "PARAM". Only "CHECKEL,NO" can be found in "PARAM".

 NOTE # 1599  3 stability-related material property errors found. To bypass checking  these errors use PARAM,CHECKMAT,NO. This may, however, cause zero or negative  pivots and excessive compliance.

Does anyone know how to sort out the errors?  I appreciate your help in advance.




Best Answer

  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2022 Answer ✓



    usually this is related to the slope of your material curve. It should be always increasing. Can you review your material curve?


  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2022 Answer ✓



    usually this is related to the slope of your material curve. It should be always increasing. Can you review your material curve?

  • Theo_21327
    Theo_21327 Altair Community Member
    edited June 2022



    usually this is related to the slope of your material curve. It should be always increasing. Can you review your material curve?

    Hi Adriano,


    I reviewed the curve and changed it. It is successful now.

  • Brian_20847
    Brian_20847 Altair Community Member
    edited June 2023

    Hi Adriano,

    I still have this error. I checked my material curve, it alwasys increase. Can you help me?

    Beside in Rubber_Material.xml has engineering stress-strain curve but .out file contain both OptiStruct stress. What is this.




  • Ioannis Makris_22013
    Ioannis Makris_22013
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2023

    Hello Brian,

    I took a look at your file. The reason behind this error is the first row of your data for the three tables you specify.

    Delete the first row --> Stress 1, Strain 0 and everything runs smoothly.

    Attached there is a simple model with your material.


    And a screenshot of the *.log file.


    Everything runs smoothly.

    I hope this helps.


    Ioannis Makris