Merge similar multiple result files into a bigger ones

Võ Trí_21292
Võ Trí_21292 Altair Community Member
edited May 2024 in Community Q&A

I'm conducting a time-varying simulation spanning 200 seconds, but I can only compute 5-second intervals eg: 0-4, 5-9, 10-14... at a time to avoid a collapse caused by excessive RAM usage.

Question: How can I merge multiple 5s SINR result files into larger ones? (0-4, 5-9)->0-9


  • Reiner_Hoppe
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2024

    You can adapt the start/end time as well as the interval/increment of your time-variant simulation to better meet your needs in terms of resolution and RAM usage. Also by limiting the number of concurrent computations under Settings > Global settings > Computation tab the number of paralled computation threads which impacts the RAM usage can be limited.

    For each time instance (e.g. at 0s, 5s, 10s, ...) there will be separate result files (e.g. SNIR) computed. Generally the individual result files can be loaded in ProMan via File > Open Result and then combined with other result files using Edit > Combined Data > Max / Mean / Min value.