Get the SINR value of each base station or antenna

Võ Trí_21292
Võ Trí_21292 Altair Community Member
edited April 2024 in Community Q&A

I'm now creating a simulation for my research  project. There are tasks generated from vehicles on the road then send to the bus to process due to the edge sever put on it (V2V). I want to find which is the best car to send the task for? I'm now using the bus as a mobile basestation  with 9 buses then compute the SINR but i don't know how to get the SINR of each bus because the SINR.txt file only show the best SINR at every location. My simulation on a urban area with base station at low height so 40 percents of the map doesn't have SINR value mean that most of the tasks can't be offloaded. Should i use MINO or beamtracing in this situation? And can anyone give me some example how to use it correcly?


  • Reiner_Hoppe
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2024

    Hi Võ Trí

    as far as I understand you want to investigate a dynamic scenario where a moving base station (BS) is connected to 9 moving vehicles (can be considered as mobile stations MS).
    For each of the moving objects you might define a trajectory in ProMan (using the yellow Trajectory button from the tool bar on the left) along which the bus/vehicle is then moving. Under the Simulation tab you can then switch to the point mode ("Multiple Points") and define there the starting point for each moving vehicle, plus activate the option "Time-variant location" and select the corresponding trajectory. Before you need to switch on the lower field of the Simulation tab to the option "Time variant simulation with time interval". Then for each time step the radio coverage and SNIR situation between the moving BS and MS will be evaluated considering their actual positions. For the BS you define also the starting location of the BS in the usual way as Tx antenna location and then also activate the option "Location of antenna is time variant" plus select the corresponding trajectory.

    For urban scenarios we generally recommend to use the urban dominant path model (DPM).

    In case there is a single BS with multiple MS points for each time step in RunPRO the pathloss for every radio link is computed and then in RunNET the SNIR / feasible data rate / throughput. In case you need to use directive antennas on the BS and MS side you can also define these antenna configurations at the BS and MS configurations. However there is so far no automatic beam steering functionality (scheduled for 2024.1), so in the meantime you might use alternatively an omni antenna instead and increase the Tx power of BS and MS accordingly.

    Hopefully this will help!

    Best regards,


  • Võ Trí_21292
    Võ Trí_21292 Altair Community Member
    edited April 2024
    reinerh said:

    Hi Võ Trí

    as far as I understand you want to investigate a dynamic scenario where a moving base station (BS) is connected to 9 moving vehicles (can be considered as mobile stations MS).
    For each of the moving objects you might define a trajectory in ProMan (using the yellow Trajectory button from the tool bar on the left) along which the bus/vehicle is then moving. Under the Simulation tab you can then switch to the point mode ("Multiple Points") and define there the starting point for each moving vehicle, plus activate the option "Time-variant location" and select the corresponding trajectory. Before you need to switch on the lower field of the Simulation tab to the option "Time variant simulation with time interval". Then for each time step the radio coverage and SNIR situation between the moving BS and MS will be evaluated considering their actual positions. For the BS you define also the starting location of the BS in the usual way as Tx antenna location and then also activate the option "Location of antenna is time variant" plus select the corresponding trajectory.

    For urban scenarios we generally recommend to use the urban dominant path model (DPM).

    In case there is a single BS with multiple MS points for each time step in RunPRO the pathloss for every radio link is computed and then in RunNET the SNIR / feasible data rate / throughput. In case you need to use directive antennas on the BS and MS side you can also define these antenna configurations at the BS and MS configurations. However there is so far no automatic beam steering functionality (scheduled for 2024.1), so in the meantime you might use alternatively an omni antenna instead and increase the Tx power of BS and MS accordingly.

    Hopefully this will help!

    Best regards,


    what is the main difference between dpm vs multi wall model in the computation? When i use dpm,  i can get the SINR value on the whole map but the value is smaller and the time to compute is much longer than using multi wall model. When i use 2 antenna how can i get the SINR value of each antenna to compute the transmission time from a constant location to each ones? The SINR.txt only write the max value.

  • Reiner_Hoppe
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2024

    what is the main difference between dpm vs multi wall model in the computation? When i use dpm,  i can get the SINR value on the whole map but the value is smaller and the time to compute is much longer than using multi wall model. When i use 2 antenna how can i get the SINR value of each antenna to compute the transmission time from a constant location to each ones? The SINR.txt only write the max value.

    The DPM is 3D ray-optical propagation models which combines high accuracy with a short computation time, while the Multi Wall model is a empirical propagation model considering the direct ray model, so depending on the environment the accuracy will be limited.

    In a cellular network with multiple base stations each base station will only serve that area where its signal is received stronger than the signal from the neighbouring base stations. Therefore in the network planning simulation using RunNET in the first step the cell assignment is performed i.e. each pixel of the simulation area is assigned to its serving cell.

    Under the Network Tab > Best Server (Cell Assignment) > Settings the following option can be activated:


    Then in ProMan for the SNIR result both the Rx power & SNIS of the serving cell and the other base station can be displayed (file Cells.txt):