Measuring dynamic coefficient of friction between two surfaces in MotionView

UdayPandit Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Hello Everyone,


I have two contacting surfaces, one has smooth straight line profile and the other has a cascading profile (like a river flowing from the top of a mountain). Both of these surfaces slide against each other when a dynamic simulation is carried out in MotionView. Is there a way (either through building expressions or something else) with the help of which I can measure the friction coefficient between the two surfaces in time?


Any help would be appreciated?


Warm regards,



  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2018

    Hi @UdayPandit


    Friction depends on surface roughness. Without providing a friction coefficient the solver assumes the surfaces are smooth. 


    I don't think the reverse is possible.


    Could you please explain more about what you are doing so that I can check if there is anything we can do?

  • UdayPandit
    UdayPandit Altair Community Member
    edited September 2018

    Hi Prakash,


    Thanks for your reply!


    I have two surfaces which are sliding against each other. One of them has an uneven surface wrt to height from the datum plane and hence, the normal to the surface keeps changing, if one traverses along the surface. This change in normal will give rise to different co-efficient of friction every instant. With the surface being in operation, the sliding action will lead to worsening of the surface (i.e. wear and hence, to more friction).


    So, I wanted to see if there is a way to measure the friction coefficient in time on the surface and prove that such a design of the surface is a bad design. The surfaces should be planar rather than cascading.


    Warm regards,
