Optimization in OptiStruct with option draw or extrusion of two design spaces

I am started to work with OptiStruct a few days before, so I am still at the absolute beginning of understanding the solver. I worked with NASTRAN, ABAQUS and ANSYS before. I have to solve an optimization problem in which reinforcing ribs should be created inside the optimization to reduce stresses.
The base structure is some kind of box with thin walls that has to deal with inside pressure. On top and on the buttom there are design spaces to add material for reducing the stresses.
Inside my first analysis the result look like lots of branches of a tree, because there are several mounting points. So there are no ribs, but some kind of caves that can´t be manufactured or at least not the way the customer wants it.
My idea was to define a draw or an extrusion option in Hypermesh so OptiStruct is to define some kind of ribs. The problem is that there are two seperate volumes with different directions for the draw or the extrusion option. So I have to define two topology variables that are combined with one response to define an objective for this response. But it looks like there can be only one variable for an response. Can anyone help me how this problem can be solved?
I hope that my problems can be understood, otherwise I can try to explain it in more detail of course.
I think maybe the option "draw split" will do the work. I saw a picture that looks like this is he right way. But I don´t know how to use or define this option.
Thanks in advance
Hi Daniel
It should work fine with two designvolumes with individual draw directions.
As response, let say mass resp you can decide to include entire model mass or just mass for you two designvolumes/Johan