Is Flux Version 2022.2 compatible with windows 11?

Hello everyone,
I have an academic license for Flux in my university, but when I download the intallator and execute it, the software cannot complete the installation. in the documentation says that Flux Is compatible with windows 10, but it says nothing about windows 11 (which is the one I have in my computer). Is the software compatible with this version of windows? If it is not, is there a workaround?
Than you very much.
Hello Matias,
In your System environment variable, set the jAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=" 10"
Redownload the license and .exe file. Then install the software.
Thank you,
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Lavanya Vadamodala_20519 said:
Hello Matias,
In your System environment variable, set the jAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=" 10"
Redownload the license and .exe file. Then install the software.
Thank you,
Hello Lavanya,
Thank you for your answer, but I still have one question. This jAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=" 10" you mentioned, I have to create that new system variable?, because i cannot find it among the existing ones. Also, the "" part should be my PC's name right?
Thank you