Creating material parameters in Inspire Cast?
Hi all,
I'm looking to simulate using Inspire Cast with the material spec I have. However, in the material parameter creation table, the parameters are curve graphs of a set of many parameters at different time points of temperature. While, I only have one parameter at a certain time of temperature (For example, I only know that my material A at 1000k has a density of 8387 kg/m3).
So if I make material A that only includes ( 1000k - 8387 kg/m3 in the spec sheet ) will my material be correct to use in metal casting simulation?
Thank you.
Hello Adela,
I suggest you try to find the curve data for the temperature vs density of your material. This is crucial as the temperature-dependent density change makes a difference during the solidification process. For accurate simulation, it is mandatory to have exact material properties. What you can try is to edit the property of a similar type of material and put your density value for 1000K.