Disconnect between the tutorial and the software I have

Petr Krysl
Petr Krysl Altair Community Member
edited September 2023 in Community Q&A

HyperMesh 2022.3 Core Tutorials.

One of the first tutorials (HM-1020) instructs me to use Mesh/Translate. There is no such command. There is Move. The GUI elements also look different. The shift-left-click selection method doesn't work. The "Quick Window" does not appear on left click, but there is some context menu on right click... 

It seems to me that this is not the only place where the documentation hasn't caught up with the software. Is that an accurate observation?

Edit: Wow, so far about every fifth step actually agreed between the docs and the sw. That is pretty bad.


  • Amber Deacon_22599
    Amber Deacon_22599
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2023

    Hello Petr,

    HyperMesh 2022.3 actually has two sets of tutorials, one for our classic interface and one for the New HyperMesh Experience. From your description, it sounds like you are using the new interface, so you’ll want to look at our set of video tutorials located here: https://help.altair.com/hwdesktop/hwx/topics/tutorials/hwx/video_tutorials_r.htm

    The tutorials for the classic interface are located here: https://help.altair.com/hwdesktop/hm/topics/chapter_heads/tutorials_r.htm

    This split will be eliminated when we transition fully to the New HyperMesh Experience in the upcoming HyperMesh 2023.


    Amber Deacon

    Senior Manager, Product Documentation

  • Petr Krysl
    Petr Krysl Altair Community Member
    edited September 2023

    So, does it mean I can choose whether I want to use the old or the new interface?

    Also, it sounds as if there was no actual written tutorial for HM 2022? Only the document that still refers to the old interface? And, then there are the video tutorials you linked, it appears.

  • Alex_Juntti
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2023

    Yes, you can choose the old or the new HyperMesh interface. Separate documentation is maintained for both.


    For the classic interface, see https://help.altair.com/hwdesktop/hm/index.htm

    For the new HyperMesh experience, see https://help.altair.com/hwdesktop/hwx/index.htm


    The new Hypermesh experience has fewer text-based tutorials compared to classic, but there are some for Squeak and Rattle, Publishing/Reporting, Design Space, and Design Explorer workflows. In the 2023 release and beyond, more classic tutorials are being converted and we’ll soon have text tutorials for interface basics, geometry, meshing, morphing, and more.