Updated Analysis Model Using Significantly More Memory
I have an analysis model that I've been running several iterations of. For each iteration, I import and mesh the updated CAD model. Then I save the analysis model under a new name and replace the old mesh with the new mesh. This process has been working fine with no issues until the latest iteration. The analysis is not finishing due to fatal errors. I'm seeing the following line in the .out file:
*** INFORMATION # 3403
MUMPS failed in factorization because the run-time memory
requirement was larger than the estimated amount. Solver will
retry with a larger memory relaxation coefficient.
This error occurs in module "lstatdrv".
Then the end of the .out file states the following:
A fatal error has occurred during computations:
This error occurs in module "lstatdrv".
Looking at the resource usage information, the maximum memory used has more than doubled since the last iteration. As far as I an tell, this is the cause of the error. However, I'm having trouble figuring out what is causing the updated model to use so much more memory. The total elements is nearly identical in both models (~1.9M), and the distribution of element types is very similar. The only difference I can find between the .out files for Iteration 27 (no errors) and 28 (does not run) is the memory usage.
Any ideas what could be causing this, or next steps for troubleshooting?
I've attached the .out files for iterations 27 and 28 for reference.
Well... I figured it out. I had forgotten to re-attach an MPC when I updated the mesh. It's weird that this would be the error that shows up from that mistake, but it's all fixed now.