About running Motion Solve

Thierno Hamidou Diallo
Thierno Hamidou Diallo Altair Community Member
edited June 2021 in Community Q&A


Anyone to assist me with how to run Motion Solve please (one has responded but I did not get his point).

The problem is I have installed it and I want to couple it with EDEM to include the motion of a swing jaw during the simulation. However, the software does not run (it shows a new window where it requires to upload some files).  

Would you assist me on how to make it run please? I am struggling with it for two days and until now I am still waiting for your help. It is really blocking me.



Best Answer

  • Praful
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2021 Answer ✓

    Hello Thierno

    In order to work with MotionView (GUI for MotionSolve) and MotionSolve (solver) you need to download 3 installer packages as shown in image below



    The Simulation Products Installer (hw2021.1_win64.exe) is a master installer, meaning, it assists in installing all HW products at once based on the available individual product packages in the same folder.

    Once you have this 3 packages, use the hw2021.1_win64.exe to install the Desktop (hwDesktop2021.1_win64) as well as the Solvers (hwSolvers2021.1_win64) together.



    Once the installation is complete, you should get MotionView 2021.1 in your Start menu under Altair 2021.1




    Hope this resolves your product access issue.






  • Praful
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2021 Answer ✓

    Hello Thierno

    In order to work with MotionView (GUI for MotionSolve) and MotionSolve (solver) you need to download 3 installer packages as shown in image below



    The Simulation Products Installer (hw2021.1_win64.exe) is a master installer, meaning, it assists in installing all HW products at once based on the available individual product packages in the same folder.

    Once you have this 3 packages, use the hw2021.1_win64.exe to install the Desktop (hwDesktop2021.1_win64) as well as the Solvers (hwSolvers2021.1_win64) together.



    Once the installation is complete, you should get MotionView 2021.1 in your Start menu under Altair 2021.1




    Hope this resolves your product access issue.





  • Thierno Hamidou Diallo
    Thierno Hamidou Diallo Altair Community Member
    edited June 2021

    Hello Thierno

    In order to work with MotionView (GUI for MotionSolve) and MotionSolve (solver) you need to download 3 installer packages as shown in image below



    The Simulation Products Installer (hw2021.1_win64.exe) is a master installer, meaning, it assists in installing all HW products at once based on the available individual product packages in the same folder.

    Once you have this 3 packages, use the hw2021.1_win64.exe to install the Desktop (hwDesktop2021.1_win64) as well as the Solvers (hwSolvers2021.1_win64) together.



    Once the installation is complete, you should get MotionView 2021.1 in your Start menu under Altair 2021.1




    Hope this resolves your product access issue.






    let me try it and see.

    Thank you for your support.


    Best regards,

    T. Hamidou diallo

  • Thierno Hamidou Diallo
    Thierno Hamidou Diallo Altair Community Member
    edited June 2021


    It has worked and thank you very much. However, I would like to ask you if there are more tutorials concerning Motion Solve and Coupling Motion Solve - EDEM?

  • Praful
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2021

    Hi Thierno - Glad to know it all worked out.

    If you have already worked on the Wheel tutorial, you may find more examples in the community Knowledge base > Scrips & Model Library. There are a few MotionSolve-EDEM examples. I am listing a couple of them

    1)Grab Bucket    2) Excavator

    There is an zip attachment at the bottom right of these pages.

    Working with MotionView/MotionSolve - EDEM for any models are pretty similar to what is described in the tutorial.

    Hope this helps.





  • AnanthK
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2021

    EDEM also has a eLearning course on coupling with MotionSolve. It is short, to the point, and covers all the basics. 
