MAT9ORT - Folded and stretched elements after solving
Hallo everyone,
I´m a student in product development and working on the simulation of an uni directional fibre material like wood. I builded some differend basic mono layered 3D models first and meshed them with hexa 3D elements and gave them the PSOLID property card. After adding my parameters to the MAT9ORT material card like decribed in the Altair help I was able to produce some output with the optistruct solver. But when I view the results I see extreamly stretched and folded elements as an deformation case. Also there is an un equal stress distrebution over the thickness with unusual unsymmetrical high points. I tried thin (1:10 thickness to width) geometries and thicker geometries. I tried to apply low and high single forces, single forces over RBE3, or pressures on surface parts of my geometry, and applied also the default parameters suggested in the Altair help to MAT9ORT but in all cases I see the same folding problem.
I attached some screenshots of my loadcases, geometries, material parameters i used. I would be really glad if somebody could help me with my problem and could give me maybe some additional information to the MAT9ORT appard from the MAT9ORT Altair Help like restrictions for geometry, loads, amount of allowed deformation or whatever to get an idea what my mistake was.
thanks in advance
does the .out file say anything? maybe some warning?
There are some stability checks for the material properties into the MAT9 card, and sometimes, if these are not meet, the solver might produce some strange errors. Maybe it might be related to that.