Can a TEMP load be used to run a buckling analysis?

Jay Tudor
Jay Tudor Altair Community Member
edited April 2024 in Community Q&A

I would like to run linear buckling analysis.  I would like run an analysis that uses a TEMP load as the "force" and evaluate buckling.  The buckling is caused by SPC constraints or by cooler zones within the part.  I have added the TEMP load collector using the TEMP_LOAD, but it does not seem use the buckling analysis in the result.  Anyone please let me know if this is possible.  I have added a simple beam model attachment of what I was using.


  • RobHoglund
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2024

    Hi Jay,

    In the model you shared, the linear static subcase has a thermal load with a temperature difference of 0 to 100 degrees.  In the buckling analysis result referencing this, all the buckling eigenvalues are less than one.  If the first buckling eigenvalue is greater than 1.0, then the structure will not buckle under the reference loading.  The equation to use to predict if buckling happens is:

    (P_crit_buckling_load) = (buckling_eigenvalue_1) * (P_ref_static_load)

    More information about linear buckling analysis is here:


    Rob H.