how to convert h3d incremental result file into op2 format
Altair Community Member
i have h3d file with incremental results from nonlinear static analysis. i need it in op2 format. as i have already requested op2 file in output request, but it is not showing incremental results, only last increment summary it is showing.
so how can i convert h3d to op2 format to get incremental results in op2 format also
as far as I know, OptiStruct OP2 file has no support to NL incremental results, so far.
The only workaround, not good at all, would be to break your load into smaller pieces and run multiple NL loadcases, using CNTNLSUB for continuing each other. But, it is painful.
Do you mind sharing why do you need it specifically in OP2 format? Maybe there can be some other option.