Convergence of solutions for the MTL or MoM solution
Dear Community,
I have not been working with Feko for a long time, my question is where can I see the convergence of the solutions for the calculation using the MTL or MoM method. If there is no convergence, how can I determine the error or deviation or is such a thing output at all? I have so far only found the output of convergence for iterative solutions.
Thanks a lot for the help.
Greetings Max
The MTL and MoM, by default are not using iterative solutions.
For the MoM each mesh element contributes to a dense matrix of unknowns and this matrix is solved rigorously through LU decomposition.
For the MTL, at each cable cross section a mesh is created internally and, assuming a transverse EM field, the per unit length parameters are determined as a static solution to Laplace’s equation in the 2D cross sectional plane of the line. No iterative solution is performed here either.