How do I perform math on a combination of simulation outputs, for feeding to the optimizer.

Vittorio Basso
Vittorio Basso Altair Community Member
edited April 2024 in Community Q&A

To pose my question with an example - lets say I have some impedances set as goals. I know how to enter target values as the goal, (For example |S11|<0.1, but what if the target condition is to make two impedances the same. I would then want to set a goal that would look something like: S11-S22=0.  Is it possible to enter goals that allow control over relationships or combinations of related simulation outputs?  Thanks and best regards, Vittorio



  • Jaehoon
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2024

    Hello Vittorio,

    I don't think putting two values (S11 and S22) in one goal in Feko optimization is possible.

    However, it should be possible with HyperStudy, Altair Optimization Software..

    If you see the Feko example guide, you can find one example showing how to combine Feko and HyperStudy.

