Calculation formula for particle collision energy

Yudong_Zou Altair Community Member
edited May 2024 in Community Q&A

I would like to know what is the calculation formula for particle collision energy within the EDEM system? How can I obtain the collision energy of particles - particles and particles - walls? What should I do in post-processing analyst?


Best Answer

  • Renan
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2024 Answer ✓

    Hi Yudong,

    You can find the equation used to calculate the collision energy in the EDEM documentation. It's in EDEM Simulator > Simulator Settings > Collisions (CPU only). You can find the documentation here:

    In order for you to analyze the collision energies, you must enable the Track Collision option in the Simulator. Keep in mind that if you enable this option you'll have to run your simulation using the CPU.

    Best regards,


  • Renan
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2024 Answer ✓

    Hi Yudong,

    You can find the equation used to calculate the collision energy in the EDEM documentation. It's in EDEM Simulator > Simulator Settings > Collisions (CPU only). You can find the documentation here:

    In order for you to analyze the collision energies, you must enable the Track Collision option in the Simulator. Keep in mind that if you enable this option you'll have to run your simulation using the CPU.

    Best regards,

  • Yudong_Zou
    Yudong_Zou Altair Community Member
    edited May 2024

    Hi Yudong,

    You can find the equation used to calculate the collision energy in the EDEM documentation. It's in EDEM Simulator > Simulator Settings > Collisions (CPU only). You can find the documentation here:

    In order for you to analyze the collision energies, you must enable the Track Collision option in the Simulator. Keep in mind that if you enable this option you'll have to run your simulation using the CPU.

    Best regards,

    Dear Renan,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I also have a question, when I analyse the collision bewteen particles and geometry(wall) in Histogram, the normal energy loss is nagetive, but tangential one is positive. So, I have no idea why the value is nagetive?

    Thank you very much.