Ply information Composite Size Optimization
Good morning,
I would like to ask you about a problem that I am having while performing a composite optimization.
After the Size Optimization is completed, I open the file whose name finishes in shuffling.XX.fem and there, I should find the plies whose thickness should be a multiple of the value of TMANUF that I specified, prior to running the optimization, in all the plies that were generated after the free size optimization. However, those plies do not appear...
I think that I performed succesfully the free size optimization since each ply of the original model was divided in four plies since I did not change the default parameters. I only changed the value of the TMANUF found on the plies (ex: 0.25mm), the upper bound of the size of all the design variables to double that value (ex: 0.5mm) and the control card OUTPUT from FSTOSZ to SZTOSH
Is there something I am missing? because I do not get the information of the plies after this optimization and therefore I cannot continue with the shuffle optimization.
Thank you in advance!
is there anything written in the .out file?
The proccess should be what you described. Can you double check your sizing variables, and their lower and upper bounds?
Also what is your optimization setup for sizing optimization?
It should be different than free-size tipically.
In free-size you want to understand where to add fibers.
In Size optimization, you should be interested in how many plies.
Can you also trying to run the attached model and check if the same behavior happens?