Upgrade Hyperworks 8.0 to 9.0

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited 2020 04 in Community Q&A


I have to upgrade hyperworks from 8.0 to 9.0. The problem is i have no idea how to do this because the person who installed 8.0 is not anymore available in our company. Can someone help me? Where to start?



  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited 2008 21


    Contact one of the Altair locations closer to you. They should be able to help you out.

    North America 248.614.2425 hwsupport@altair.com

    China 86.21.5393.0011 support@altair.com.cn

    France 33.1.4133.0992 francesupport@altair.com

    Germany 49.7031.6208.22 hwsupport@altair.de

    India 91.80.6629.4500

    1.800.425.0234 (toll



    Italy 39.800.905.595 support@altairengineering.it

    Japan 81.3.5396.2881 support@altairjp.co.jp

    Korea 82.31.728.8600 support@altair.co.kr

    Scandinavia support@altair.se

    United Kingdom 44.1926.468.600 support@uk.altair.com

    Brazil 55.11.3884.0414 br_support@altair.com

    Australia 64.9.413.7981 anzsupport@altair.com

    New Zealand 64.9.413.7981 anzsupport@altair.com

  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited 2010 05

    Up gradation is good thing it will resolve many queries and give us better chances to do the things.