Something wrong with level shifter simulation when using PSIM

Hi all,
I have tried to simulate a level shifter which means a converter between 3.3[V] and 5[V]. First of all, when visiting the following website,
I can simulate the converter between 3.3[V] and 5[V] very easily by using their simulation tool.
Also, we can find out these kinds of converter circuits through googling.
But I got in trouble with PSIM when simulating the same converter model.
The level shifting is not happened but I get the same level between input and output.
That is, if providing 3,3[V] the psim model, the output is the 3.3[V], not 5[V] with my psim model.
So, I can't find out how to make it to be able to work like the above website simulation.
I hope for you guys to help me so that I can make it.
I tried to attach the psim model and simulation result in this but new users can't be uploaded with warning message.
Have a good day!
Best Regards!
Fermi Lim.
PSIM has several levels of MOSFET models.
If you use an ideal model, the MOSFET behaves as an ideal controlled switch. When the gate voltage is greater than the threshold, the switch will turn on, the input and output of your circuit would be shorted together with a small Rds(on).
If you use a level-1 or level-2 model, you should enter all the parameters from the datasheet of 2N7002. The MOSFET should operate in the linear region in order to behave as a level shifter.