Unable to scale parasolid body in Simlab

Subodh Gokhale_20466
Subodh Gokhale_20466 Altair Community Member
edited June 2024 in Community Q&A


I have created a cylinder from "Geometry-->Create body-->Cylinder". Now I want to scale this body using "Transform-->Scale". But, the operation does not accept this part for scaling even if I have selected the body. Therefore, I am unable to scale this body. I have explained this issue for a cylinder but I have observed this for any parasolid file.

I am however able to perform scaling operation on a faceted geometry but I specifically want this to be done on parasolid part body.





Best Answer

  • Marc_21384
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2024 Answer ✓

    Hello Subodh,

    Scale tool can't be used with parasolid. But you can use the Offset option and select all the faces with the needed offset value:

    You can also select one of the faces from the cylinder and change the radius from it, and then move the top and bottom part from it:

    Hope this helps.


    Kind regards,

    Marc Steiger


  • Marc_21384
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2024 Answer ✓

    Hello Subodh,

    Scale tool can't be used with parasolid. But you can use the Offset option and select all the faces with the needed offset value:

    You can also select one of the faces from the cylinder and change the radius from it, and then move the top and bottom part from it:

    Hope this helps.


    Kind regards,

    Marc Steiger

  • Subodh Gokhale_20466
    Subodh Gokhale_20466 Altair Community Member
    edited June 2024

    Hello Marc

    Thank you for this solution. It works for the cylinder. But, it may not work on complex geometries like hollow cylinder where the surface normal direction is opposite. In such cases, I had to scale separately outer and inner surfaces. It may be too much of a work for complex geometries. 

    Thank you again for your help!!

