Unable to stop acusolve simulation using acuSig -stop

I am running a steady state simulation(only 1 simulation) on a local windows machine. The run was submitted using Compute Console and 8 processors. The total element count of the model is around 77 million.
I am trying to stop the simulation using acusolve command prompt. I browsed to the directory where log file, mesh.dir and acusim.dir exist in the terminal. When i use acuSig -stop command, i get following error.
acuSig: *** ERROR: null problem
The snapshot of the error is attached to this thread.
Let me know how to stop this simulation.
Best Answer
Not sure - but there may also be a Stop button within Compute Console.
From the AcuSolve Command Prompt, you can issue:
acuSig -h
This gives the options for acuSig (you can add the -h to other acuSolve programs/scripts also to get the options). You'll see it needs the problem name (which is the -pb flag). In your case, most likely it will say the problem name is undefined, and this is why you get the error. It doesn't know which problem to signal to stop. Let's say your problem is named cylinder_test - so in that directory you would see something like cylinder_test.inp for the input file and cylinder_test.1.Log for the Log file of the first run of that problem. You would then issue
acuSig -pb cylinder_test -stop
It would then send the stop signal to the currently-running run of problem cylinder_test - and once the simulation 'gets' the signal, it would complete the time step and do a clean stop.
Not sure - but there may also be a Stop button within Compute Console.
From the AcuSolve Command Prompt, you can issue:
acuSig -h
This gives the options for acuSig (you can add the -h to other acuSolve programs/scripts also to get the options). You'll see it needs the problem name (which is the -pb flag). In your case, most likely it will say the problem name is undefined, and this is why you get the error. It doesn't know which problem to signal to stop. Let's say your problem is named cylinder_test - so in that directory you would see something like cylinder_test.inp for the input file and cylinder_test.1.Log for the Log file of the first run of that problem. You would then issue
acuSig -pb cylinder_test -stop
It would then send the stop signal to the currently-running run of problem cylinder_test - and once the simulation 'gets' the signal, it would complete the time step and do a clean stop.
2 -
Thank you for the solution.
I was able to stop the simulation.