AcuFieldView multiple datasets?

Best Answer
When you use the Direct Reader (import using the .Log file) the process automatically creates Boundary Surfaces for you and you see those on the screen. When you import the results via the FV UNS route, you need to create your visualization surfaces (Boundary, Coordinate, etc) manually.
I would suggest exporting .fv files from AcuSolve (using AcuTrans from command line or AcuOut from AcuConsole GUI).
There would be one .fv file for each of the time steps. AcuFieldView should be able to read this as a continuous time series dataset.
(Depending on the prefixes of Log files, you might have to rename the .fv files). I have not tried this, but this should work. Please post if this works or not.
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I exported them as .fv files, and when I open them in AcuFieldView it treats them correctly as a set of timesteps. However, the data doesn't appear at all in the visualization window. I can change the timestep but nothing shows up. I'm not sure I'm importing the data correctly because it doesn't work with Log files either - only if I select the file in the launch menu will it read it. I opened the files by using the data input menu with 'replace' checked off.
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How are the .fv files named? A screenshot of the folder with file details, might shed more light.
If they are named case_ step000001.fv, case_ step000002.fv,... *010.fv,*011.fv,...*020.fv then AcuFieldView would be interpreting them as transient for the same case and you would not need to load data twice.
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When you use the Direct Reader (import using the .Log file) the process automatically creates Boundary Surfaces for you and you see those on the screen. When you import the results via the FV UNS route, you need to create your visualization surfaces (Boundary, Coordinate, etc) manually.