Radioss help !!!! - Crisis

My friends, i am using radioss to simluate the crushing of aluminium box tubes between the hydraulic jaws of an MTS 810 system.I have used imposed displacement to simulate shortening of the tube by 50 mm.I need to know how to define the plot for the imp_disp load collector and what are the units and axes for that plot.(i.e . time in sec on x axis etc.). Also need to know what to define in D01 file for obtaining the load & displacement. I also need to know which codewords (i.e DTE, TER, External forces etc...) should be defined in 'build plots' from T01 or A001 files to obtain the load vs displacement graph. Please help. Please, its a very big emergency and need help as soon as possible. My mail id is sudhir.kct<at> Thanks a million friends.
Option 'Ifunct' in the /IMPDISP keyword is where you assign the curve/plot. You can create/define this curve from the pull down menu 'Setup --> Curve Editor' under Radioss user profile.
Later Card edit the /IMPDISP keyword, double click 'Ifunct' and assign the plot.
The curve should be time vs displacement with time as X and displacement as Y.
The units of this plot depends on the unit system that you are using for the analysis setup.
For plotting load versun displacement when post processing just create /TH/NODE (for nodal variables) or /TH/PART (for Part variables) in the DOO file using 'output block' panel in 'Analysis' page.
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