Despite meshing and loading all the boundary conditions (including subcase) I still get the error 14 when I run optistruct in hypermesh. Any clues!! (Refer to tutorial 'Design Concept for a Structural C-clip - OS-2000'.)
have you tried deleting empty load-collectors/ loadsteps?
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what is the error message? did you check your material properties? did all the components have the adecuate card?
try 'optistruct deck_name.fem -check', open the deck_name.out and you will get a error message its description.
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I'm getting the error 14 without any idea what it means (since it doesn't appear in the help file - that's a surprise...NOT).
All elements have material properties and have been assigned properly (as far as I know).
There are no empty load collectors / load step etc or any components for that matter.
Just wondering if this issue got resolved as I have no idea what it means.
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in the cclip excercise, when you did the meshing you might have meshed it to the 'surface component' instead of current component.
move the elements to the new collector you have created.
Use the organize panel
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how i can conduct simple spring mass system in optistruct to find natural frequency.
(this is my first attempt in optistruct)
I am getting error 61, but i assigned all the properties. what can i do for this