Plug-in for Maxwell Render

I am using solidThinking 7.6 and I have now installed Maxwell Render but if I render from solidThinking nothing happens. And I don't see materials in the library on the left. I think I am missing something. Any advice?
First of all check the versions of Maxwell Render: it must be 1.7.1
otherwise please update.
Once you installed the latest version Maxwell render
you just need to launch solidThinking and to open
the Render menu choose 'Renderers...'
Now choose 'solidMaxwell' and clik OK.
If you render inside any view you should now see the
Maxwell Render full screen panel that should appear.
If not, here is the procedure:
------------- how to fix any path issue ---------------
On Windows:
Close solidThinking
Open the Control Panel, clic on Advanced System settings,
select the Advanced tab and click the Environment variables button.
Now, inside the System Variables section, select the 'Path' raw
and click the 'Modify' button.
Inside the 'Value' field, at the end of the existing text,
just add ';' followed by the path of the Maxwell Render
main istallation folder (i.e.: 'C:\Program Files\Next Limit\Maxwell').
Do not forget the ';' BEFORE the path you are going to add.
On Mac OsX:
Close solidThinking
Go inside the Application folder, open the Maxwell Render folder,
launch Maxwell Studio and just close it.
At this point, on both Win and Mac, launch solidThinking and
just try again to open the Render menu. Choose 'Renderers...'
Now choose 'solidMaxwell' and clik OK.
If you render inside any view you should now see the
Maxwell Render full screen panel that should appear.
----------------- how to install the Maxwell materials ----------------
If you cannot find the Maxwell materials inside the Materials Toolbar,
here are the links to download and install them:
for Windows:
for Mac OsX:
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Followed the instructions for installing materials. Did this and now Solid Thinking crashes on launch... suggestions?
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Hi Scott, what a strange problem! Strange and unioque because doing the same things on other Macs it works fine so it must be something specific on your computer. Put the folder '4' inside the 'MaterialsLib' folder, launch solidThinking and if does not crash just choose solidMaxwell as rendering engine and quit solidThinking. Now verify that launching the program it crashes. If this happens, launch the Terminal application from the Utility folder and copy and paste this command 'chmod -R 777 /Users/Shared/solidThinking_7.6/MaterialsLib/4' inside the Terminal window. Please check inside the Terminal window that there must be nothing before 'chmod' and nothing after '.../MaterialsLib/4'. Now just hit enter to apply the command. Once this is done, launch solidThinking and check if everything works fine. If not, locate the 'solidThinking_7.6.ini' file inside the /Library/Preferences of your user folder (the home icon) and MOVE (NOT copy) it on the Desktop. Now launch the program an let me know what happens.
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Sorry. Can't download materials from these links.
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Hello Antonio.
Can you upload mat.lib again?
Additional question: can somebody explain how to export enviroment and cameras to maxwell?
sometimes are black screens...
i recovered mxs file from temp-dir and open in studio, ohh, i understood why NL made studio
/emoticons/default_wink.png' alt=';)' srcset='/emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x' width='20' height='20'>
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Here is the new link where you can download and install Maxwell materials for solidThinking 7.6. The old link is not available anymore.
for Windows:
for Mac OsX:
Adel Matar
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Hello Adel,
thanks a'lot! =d>