Hypergraph in Batch Mode
I did a Template in Hypergraph (mvw) . This template contain only curves and text in some plots (text editor).
I need to export these curves and text in ASCII format (Curves-xydata and the text also) and I need to do this process many times for each Simulation I have done.
I do not want to spend time openning Hypergraph for each Simulation.
Does someone know how I can start Hypergraph in Batch Mode, then read my template and at the end export the curves and text in ASCII fotmat? A small Programm.
Thanks for your time
Hi, I have this same problem. Nobody dont know? Thanks.
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Here is a reply from a friend of mine:
Running HG in batch and exporting the curves is easy. Exporting each text window requires a little more code. Attached is a TCL script that applies the attached report template then exports the curves and text to files. The TCL script takes 6 arguments:
1) The template filename
2) The curve data filename. The report is based on columns.data in the demos directory.
3) The curve file that's exported
4) The text file that's exported
5) The color for the curves as an example of how to customize a report template
6) A curve prefix for the curves as another example of how to customize a report template
The command line will be:
>c:\Altair\hw10.0\hw\bin\win32\hw.exe -clientconfig hwplot.dat -b -tcl batch_report.tcl batch_report.tpl c:/Altair/hw10.0/demos/mv_hv_hg/plotting/general/columns.data curve_data.dat text.txt 22 {Run 2 }
-clientconfig hwplot.dat launches the HyperWorks Desktop with HyperGraph as the default client. Without this HV is the default client and it needs to check out an additional license when switching to HG. On slower networks this takes more time so I like to set a default client.
-b runs in true batch without displaying the Hyperworks Desktop window
-tcl runs the tcl file and the rest of the arguments are set as $argv in the tcl script
Hope that helps!
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Many thanks dambach. I am beginner user of HyperWorks and if i was in training courses there tell me that HyperGraph cant run in batch mode. I read manual a my first idea was that I make session file and this file *.ses run with batch mode. This procedure I using with postprocesor MetaPost. Now I will try programing the script code.
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Hi, i have the same Problem, but i cannot finde the script.
where can i get it?
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Hi dambach, can you share batch_report.tcl and batch_report.tpl also to refer to
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I read manual a my first idea was that I make session file and this file *.ses run with batch mode. This procedure I using with postprocesor MetaPost. Now I will try programing the script code.