Composite direction orientation

Hi guys,
I want to realize the pipe (you can see it in the data, picture1) as a composite part made out of CFRP.
I want to do it like the exercise with the skateboard.
it's an solid and already meshed. I checked the element normal. (2D -> composite -> element normals -> select elemtens -> all. (picture2)
I think that looks good!
But now, when I check the element orientation (under the submenu 'material orientation') then I get a chaos. The directions goes into any direction . (picture 3)
How do I get the orientations into the right direction?
And what are the next steps to do?
Due to be a newcomer, it would be fabulous if you can give me an instruction of what I have to do, step by step.
(I think I have to get the directions like you can see it in picture4. And the direction for the next layer, i have to fix it tangential to the radius, picture 5)
first of all. when you are working with composite materials in hypermesh you only need a surface and a 2D mesh.
for the material orientation you go to 2D -> Composites -> material orientation -> select you elements (selected turn gray) -> material orientation mode -> by system axis -> klick system -> klick your global coordinate system (try it a few times until it turn white, thats a little bit tricky) -> select the axis -> klick project -> thats it!
you can also create your own koordinate system and select it (geometry -> create -> system -> axis direction)
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Altair Forum User said:
Hi guys,
I want to realize the pipe (you can see it in the data, picture1) as a composite part made out of CFRP.
I want to do it like the exercise with the skateboard.
it's an solid and already meshed. I checked the element normal. (2D -> composite -> element normals -> select elemtens -> all. (picture2)
I think that looks good!
But now, when I check the element orientation (under the submenu 'material orientation') then I get a chaos. The directions goes into any direction . (picture 3)
How do I get the orientations into the right direction?
And what are the next steps to do?
Due to be a newcomer, it would be fabulous if you can give me an instruction of what I have to do, step by step.
(I think I have to get the directions like you can see it in picture4. And the direction for the next layer, i have to fix it tangential to the radius, picture 5)
Anton is right. You should use 2D model while working with composites.
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you (Anton and Atakanerg) mean, that i change the 3D-body (see the data: the composite part consist of red and yellow component) to 2D-body via (for example) mid-surface command, before working with it as composite?
another question: how can i account the influence caused by bolt preload or adhesive between laminates?
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perfekt thanks to atakanerg and anton!
now i tried it with a simple example. I did it like the tutorial skateboard. but if i create the plies and the laminate it looks like this:but what can i do to change it to the right way?
OK i've got it (picture1). but now the next question: i don't know how to see the result (with colour's, displacement, stress,...) if i press the button 'Contour', nothing happens?, what have I got to do, that I see the analysis?
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Altair Forum User said:
you (Anton and Atakanerg) mean, that i change the 3D-body (see the data: the composite part consist of red and yellow component) to 2D-body via (for example) mid-surface command, before working with it as composite?
another question: how can i account the influence caused by bolt preload or adhesive between laminates?
Hi Mac;
For the question about adhesive between laminates, there is 'inter laminate shear stress' option. You can define it as maximum shear that can occur between laminates before tearing. It is in card edit of PCOMPP property card.
And for bolt preload, I am not exactly sure but you may use distributing coupling and give this force to that coupling.
Hope that helps.
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Altair Forum User said:
perfekt thanks to atakanerg and anton!
now i tried it with a simple example. I did it like the tutorial skateboard. but if i create the plies and the laminate it looks like this:
but what can i do to change it to the right way?
OK i've got it (picture1). but now the next question: i don't know how to see the result (with colour's, displacement, stress,...) if i press the button 'Contour', nothing happens?, what have I got to do, that I see the analysis?
After the analysis, when you click display results, Hyperworks open all h3d files related to the analysis. You should choose the one related to the loadstep you are wondering.
After clicking contour, you should choose displacement or stress, then from the rightern side, you should choose display method (simple, advanced etc), then you should click 'apply'.
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Hi all,
I want to control directions of my composites on differents faces.
Then, I created as much vectors collectors as I have differents orientations on my component.But when I 'project' one vector on the elems face, then I do the same thing for another face, my elems will all have the direction given by the last vector projected.
I don't know how to fix this issue in order to have different orientation according to the face.Thanks for your help
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Hi Raphael,
You can't change the material orientation for each face. you can control the direction of fibers by assigning different orientation to each ply.
Thank you
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Please go through the following videos. These videos will help you as a beginner.
Thank you