Warpage is one of important quality to maintain. In hypermesh to control the quality of the min and max angle are easy with the quality index, but it is difficult to correct warpage by moving the node manually.
In case of ANSA it controls the warpage by providing the distance that the node can move to max to reduce warpage. It reduces lot of time.
Please anybody provide this facility in macro, it would reduce lot of time in controlling the quality in hypermesh.
Thanks in advance.
Improved warpage correction
Correct warped elements by dividing quad or by moving node out of surface within specified tolerance.
I found this in BATCHMESHER in parameter warpage quality. Please let me know this option is available in hypermesh.
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First find all the elements that violate warpage. Then save the elements. Then split the elements using divide quad by selecting retrieve.
A macro to do this would look something like this:
*clearmark elements 1 *clearmark elements 2 #*createmark elements 1 'by config' $quad4 eval *createmark elems 1 'by comp id' $complist *createmark elements 2 catch {*elementtestwarpage elements 1 $Warpage 2 2 0 '2D Element Warpage' } set badelems [hm_getmark elements 2] set badelems [ lsubtract $badelems $::dambach::sacred_elements ] *clearmark elements 2 eval *createmark elements 2 $badelems set emptyset [llength $badelems] if { $emptyset > $zero } { *splitelements 2 2 }
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Thanks for your reply.
I donot want to split quad to tria incase of warpage failure, if it could be controlled by moving or adjusting the nodes.
Adjusting the node option is available in quality index, but it moves the node in the element plane to optimize(it distort the element highly) if this also moved both parallel and perpendicular to plane then, it is easy to control element failing in warp upto 15 to <5.
There are 2 option in batchmesh parameter file to control warpage
1. Split quad to trias
2. offset nodes from surface, with distance.
Please, let me know where is this option in Hypermesh.
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Looks like the batchmesher has the only GUI to set this, as you mentioned.
There is a TCL command that you can use via macro or command window is:
It's usage is as follows:
*elemswarpagefix( elementsmark,criteria_file_path,maxoutmove,geombreakmode,featureangle)
elementsmark - 1,2 - the elements mark;
criteria_file_path - the path to the criteria file ( 'dummy' for using current criteria set preliminarly by a proper command );
maxoutmove - the limit for nodes movement out of the surface
geombreakmode - the mode of handling of geometry associativitiy of nodes :
0 - the moved nodes associativity is broken;
1 - all attached elements nodes associativity is broken;
2 - the asscociativity is not broken
featureangle - the elements feature angle in degrees
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Thank you.
I used it in command line with following
*createmark elements 1 'all';
*elemswarpagefix( 1,c:\user\desktop\cr.criteria,0.5,2,30)
I saved a criteria file in desktop.
I got error message as 'criteria file doesnot exist'.
I am not good in command line and macro. Please help me with this.
If possible give me macro file to do this operation for displayed elements.