error 2203
Someone could help me with this error? how can I fix this, and what it mean??
A fatal error has occurred during computations:
*** ERROR # 2203 ***
Error(s) encountered during element check
***** Element Quality Check Failed - error limits violation *****
NOTE : To bypass element quality checks (except essential validity checks)
use PARAM,CHECKEL,NO. This may, however, cause very poor results.
it seems to be due to some bad quality elements in your model
you should enter 'check elems' panel and check with aspect = 10, some strange elems will have big aspect
0 -
I got! Thanks!
0 -
I have tried changing the aspect to 10. But still Error 2203 continues. Can anyone suggest any other solution. Following are the parameters.
warpage =<5
Aspect =<5
Jacobian = <0.5
0 -
You have to mesh outer face with good 2d quality before generating tetra