ST 8.0 problem with Transform tool

some time I have problem with basic transform tools: Moving, scaling or rotating objects. I am using normaly ST and after some time the transform tools go crazy. For example:
I have a obeject selected, I press 'T' to start Translate, when i click and drag with the mouse the object disappear from the view and start moving illogically (I move the mouse up to be able to move the object down).
I tried to re-install ST but nothing. I also installed ST8.0 in different PC with Win XP 32bit with Vista 64bit; same problem. ](*,)
I have to re-start ST to be able to continue.
Did any body experience something like that? 8-[
Is the behavior the same if you just click and drag the object without activating the transformation tool?
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Yes also if I drag the object.
But this is not happening all the time. It goes fine for a wile and then it starts. I am not able to identify a cause to this; it looks at first as a random event.
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This is a very unusual behavior that I haven't seen before. Is thus happening with all files? If you start a new model does it also happen then?
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Yes with all files including the new one.
I was thinking that importing STEP files from other 3d softwares can actualy cost the truble.
I was also thinking that the 'worldaxes' button and 'localaxes' button can be involved in this problem.
Unfortunately I am not able to track the cost of the problem; the issue happen after some sequence of events or commands.
In general I prefer use the version 7.6