Plot beam stress

Hi everybody
I'm using radioss (bulk format) to do some Beam/shell static analysis.
I've tried to plot cbar/cbeam stresses in the hyperview but it seem that for 1D elements it only shows stresses due to axial forces not bending moments.
how can I plot contours for bending stresses?
I'm using hyperworks 11
Hi everybody
I'm using radioss (bulk format) to do some Beam/shell static analysis.
I've tried to plot cbar/cbeam stresses in the hyperview but it seem that for 1D elements it only shows stresses due to axial forces not bending moments.
how can I plot contours for bending stresses?
I'm using hyperworks 11
you could check the radioss manuals for your desired outputs about stress plots
by the way be sure about your beam is euler-bernoulli
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The beam is CBEAM which is timoshenko beam.
Manual is not clear about that.the STRESS card control outpot but it has no effect on 1d element. I can plot element forces not stresses.While ANSYS plot von misses stress even for beams I wonder why hyperworks can't do such simple thing.
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Altair Forum User said:
The beam is CBEAM which is timoshenko beam.
Manual is not clear about that.the STRESS card control outpot but it has no effect on 1d element. I can plot element forces not stresses.While ANSYS plot von misses stress even for beams I wonder why hyperworks can't do such simple thing.
Hi Mechalizar,
I think there is no actual VonMise stress contour for bending bar/beam elements only. Absolutely, you can extract or see the bending stress in HyperView: Element stress(1D) --> Cbar/cbeam long. stress SAC, SAD,SAF,SAE. However, you must define C,D,E,F point in HyperMesh( Card edit Bar/Beam Properties --> Check ON 'CONT1' then input C(x,y), E(x,y), D(x,y), F(x,y)) before submitting jobs on Optistruct.
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In OptiStruct v13.0, CBAR/CBEAM(PBARL/PBEAML) Stresses at evaluation points are output separately (different from PBAR/PBEAM-element) in H3D file. When you load h3d result file in HyperView, you can see a new result type like 'CBAR/CBEAM Stresses (BAR)', 'BAR' in the parentheses is the type name of beam cross section. That means each cross-section type has its own result group.
And you can review all the evaluation stresses (normal, shear, and von Mises) for each cross-section type, at each element end (A or B.
For instance,
Normal S3N(B : means normal stress at the 3-th evaluation point of the beam element end B;
Shear S6S(A) : means shear stress at the 6-th evaluation point of the beam element end A;
von Mises S5V(B : means von Mises stress at the 5-th evaluation point of the beam element end B.
And you can see maximum normal/shear/vonMises stress at the end
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Hi, I cannot get displayed the beam stresses in HyperView. I have used CBEAM elements. I see the options to display the result type but when I select 'CBAR/CBEAM Axial/Long. Stress SAC/SAB/..../SAMIN/....' they are all zero.
They are obviously either not calculated or not output. What do I have to do?
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Do anyone know how to find out bending stress?