Bar2 - How to define the pins a,pins b?

Please check the online help for the 'bars'-menu and/or the CBAR-element (in case you are using RADIOSS bulk/Optistruct as solver):
To build a bar2 element:
7. Click pins a = and pins b = and indicate the degrees of freedom which are not intended to transmit force.
Note: Terminology sometimes varies between different solvers. For example, the 'pins' referred to on this panel are also sometimes called 'beam releases'.
from CBAR-definition:
Pin flags for bar ends A and B, respectively. Used to remove connections between the grid point and selected degrees of freedom of the bar. The degrees of freedom are defined in the element’s coordinate system. The bar must have stiffness associated with the PA and PB degrees of freedom to be released by the pin flags. For example, if PA=4 is specified, the PBAR entry must have a value for J, the torsion stiffness.
No default (Integer > 0; up to 5 of the unique digits 1-6 with no embedded blanks)
The (optional) number you have to enter follow usual FE syntax convention:
1 - translation in x
2 - translation in y
3 - translation in z
4 - rotation around x
5 - rotation around y
6 - rotation around z