How to adjust Hypermesh macro in order to work with ABAQUS

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

I would like to use the Midsurface_Creation_CreateComp.tcl macro in Hypermesh but it only works with the Nastran user profile. I need to use it with ABAQUS! Can anyone please help me? Thank you



  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2010

    Try this. It is quite old, but I just checked it and it still works.

    1) Load the Abaqus user profile

    2) Create a template property card that has the shell_section properties you want

    3) Run the macro

    A) Select the prop card you made

    image/emoticons/default_cool.png' alt='B)'> Select the comps you would like to midplane

    ################################################### Midsurf All was written to midsurface all# solid geometry and organize the data so that # assembly information was intact################################################### Michael Dambach  Altair Engineering  Inc# Email: October 08  2003##################################################set install_home [ hm_info -appinfo ALTAIR_HOME ]set tol 0.001set tcl_precision 4*templatefileset '$install_home/templates/feoutput/abaqus/standard.3d'*clearmark props 1 *createmarkpanel props 1 'Select template property card'set template_id [ hm_getmark props 1 ]set template_prop [ hm_getcollectorname props $template_id ]set matname [ hm_getentityvalue props '$template_prop' '' 1 ]#tk_messageBox -message 'matname is $matname'*clearmark comps 1*createmarkpanel comps 1 'Select Components to Midsurface'set complist [ hm_getmark comps 1]set ok 'yes'set bad_comp_names {}*displaycollectorwithfilter components 'none' '' 1 0*displaycollectorwithfilter components 'none' '' 0 1set oldcharacter {.}set newcharacter '_'set compnamelist []        foreach compid $complist {		set compname [ hm_getcollectorname comps $compid ]		set compfullname [ split $compname $oldcharacter ]	set compnewname []	set j 0	foreach i $compfullname {		if { $j == 0 } {			set compnewname $i		} else {			set compnewname $compnewname$newcharacter$i		}		incr j	}	catch { *renamecollector component $compname $compnewname }	lappend compnamelist $compname	}foreach compname $compnamelist {	set split_compname [ split $compname '' ]	if { [ llength $split_compname ] > 28 } {		#tk_messageBox -message 'compname $compname is too long'		*displaycollectorwithfilter components on $compname 1 0 		*displaycollectorwithfilter components on $compname 0 1		lappend bad_comp_names $compname		set ok 'no'	}}set bad_comps []if { $ok == 'yes' } {	foreach compid $complist {		set compname [ hm_getcollectorname comps $compid ]		*clearmark surfs 1		#*createmark surfaces 1 'all'		eval *createmark surfaces 1 'by comp name' $compname		set allsurfaces [hm_getmark surfaces 1]		#*clearmark surfs 1		#eval *createmark surfs 1 $allsurfaces		#*maskmark surfaces 1				set move_error [ catch { *collectorcreateonly components '${compname}_old' '' 7 } ]		*currentcollector comps '$compname'		#*clearmark mats 1 		#*createmark mats 1 '${compname}_old'		#catch { *deletemark mats 1 }		eval *createmark surfaces 1 $allsurfaces		set move_error [ catch { *movemark surfaces 1 ${compname}_old } ]		*createmark solids 1 'by comp name' $compname		set move_error [ catch { *movemark solids 1 ${compname}_old } ]				if { $move_error != 0 } {			catch { *collectorcreateonly components 'CompNameTooLong' '' 7 }			*currentcollector comps '$compname'			*clearmark surfs 1			eval *createmark surfaces 1 $allsurfaces			set move_error [ catch { *movemark surfaces 1 'CompNameTooLong' } ]		}		*normalsoff		*clearmark surfaces 1		eval *createmark surfaces 1 $allsurfaces				*midsurface_extract_new surfaces 1 -1 0 1 1 0 10 0 10 -2 undefined 0 0 0		*midsurface_remove_edit_bodies		*release_temp_fixed_vertices		*normalsoff		*clearmark surfaces 1		*clearmark surfs 1		*createmark surfaces 1 'by comp name' '$compname'		set newsurfs [ hm_getmark surfs 1 ]				if { [ llength $newsurfs ] != 0 } {			set surfid [ lindex $newsurfs 0 ]			*clearmark surfs 1			*createmark surfaces 1 $surfid			*linefromsurfedge surfaces 1			*normalsoff			*clearmark lines 1			*createmark lines 1 -1			*nodecreateonlines lines 1 3 0 0			*clearmark nodes 1			*createmark nodes 1 -1			*markprojectnormallytosurface nodes 1 $surfid			set midsurf_error [ catch { set thick [ hm_getnodalthickness nodes -1 ] } ]			if { $midsurf_error != 0 } {				set midsurf_error [ catch { set thick [ hm_getnodalthickness nodes -2 ] } ]			}						set max [ expr { [ llength $newsurfs ] - 1 } ] 			set surfid [ lindex $newsurfs $max ]			*clearmark surfs 1			*createmark surfaces 1 $surfid			*linefromsurfedge surfaces 1			*normalsoff			*clearmark lines 1			*createmark lines 1 -1			*nodecreateonlines lines 1 3 0 0			*clearmark nodes 1			*createmark nodes 1 -1			*markprojectnormallytosurface nodes 1 $surfid			set midsurf_error [ catch { set thick2 [ hm_getnodalthickness nodes -1 ] } ]			if { $midsurf_error != 0 } {				set midsurf_error [ catch { set thick2 [ hm_getnodalthickness nodes -2 ] } ]			}						if { [ expr { $thick - $thick2 } ] > $tol } {							lappend bad_comps $compname							set midsurf_error 1						}						#tk_messageBox -message 'compname is $compname'			if { $midsurf_error == 0 } {							#tk_messageBox -message 'thick is $thick'								# ABAQUS Thickness:												*collectorcreatesameas properties '${compname}' '$template_prop' '$matname' 3#				*collectorcreateonly properties '${compname}_prop' '$template_prop' 3				*clearmark props 1				*createmark props 1 '${compname}'												set prop_id [ hm_getmark props 1 ]												*attributeupdatedouble properties $prop_id 111 2 1 0 $thick																*clearmark comps 1				*createmark comps 1 '$compname'				*propertyupdate components 1 '${compname}' 								*nodecleartempmark			}		}	}		if { [ llength $bad_comps ] != 0 } {			tk_messageBox -message 'These Component were determined to have inconsistent thickness values.\n\nThey were not assigned a thickness.\n\n$bad_comps'				}	} else {	tk_messageBox -message 'these comp names are too long to use this macro.\n\nPlease rename them (displayed) and try again.'}

    Hope that helps.