composite failure index

for my model, the composite failure index is around 0.6 but plys with maximum FI varies from 10 in some places to 1.
Does that mean my model/structure composite will fail.As far I know if the composite failure index is <1 then the composite should not fail.
Just a bit worried about the ply(s) with maximum FI.
could someone help me with this.
Thanking you in advance.
Hi Sritej,
can you output Strength Ratio instead and check the values?
Use PARAM,SRCOMPS,YES to output strength ratios. If SR is less than one then this indicates failure.
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I did try out what you said above.
But for a particular case my composite failure index is 7.98(which should be actually less than <1 to avoid failure) and my composite strength ratio is 28.17(greater than 1 in order to avoid failure).
What does this indicate?
if we go with the composite failure index the model is failing but at the same time if we go with the composite strength ration the model doesn't.
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Hi Sritej,
If you look at the FI, FI is usually a non linear function. It is recommended to look at SR which is similar to the safety margin.
SR= allowable load/actual load
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Prakash: I am getting failure index of 9.72 (Max) and strength ratio is 1e8. What stress does it use (Normal, Principle, Von Mises for orthotropic material??). I also have honeycomb and a coating layer. In post processing, how can I look at these separately ?
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Hi Sajid,
Different failure theories uses different stress types. For instance, Hill ply failure theory is deduced from VonMises theory. a failure index above 1.0 indicates that the allowable stress/strain has been exceeded.
Please refer to any theory book regarding failure indices for different failure theories.
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Thank you Prakash. BTW, The reason for 1e8 index was due to RBE2 connections fyi.
Also, SR sometimes shows up in the output and when I make changes, it does not. Any thoughts I will appreciate. I have been manually putting-in CFAILURE=YES. I can't find a place in Hypermesh to specify it. Do you know ? Thanks again.
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Hi Sajid,
CFAILURE is not available through GUI for now. You have to input it manually by editing the deck file.
Please let us know what are the changes you have made before SR turns off?
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Hy Prakash,
I Have the same problem concerning composite failure calculation. Can show how this is edited Manually? This would be great.
Thanks in advance
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Thank you Prakash!
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Hi Prakash,
I have changed the soolver deck, but I still can't choose the failure tab in the Hyperview.
Is there anything I have missed?
Kind regards for you help again
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Can you add DEBUG, COMPOUT, 3.0 in your solver deck and check if you are able to see any results?
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Hi Prakash,
I have added DEBUG, COMPOUT, 3.0 in the solver deck but I still can't see any result unfortunately. I have attached the solver deck, so you can see for yourself.
Is it wrong if I am adding the missing commands after the first run of analysis in the solver deck. I am doing so because in my analysis there is no solver deck otherwise.
Again I would be very thankful for your help
/emoticons/default_smile.png' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' title=':)' width='20'>
Kind regards
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Hi Dean,
I will check and update to you soon.
thanks for sharing the file.
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Hi Dean,
Is this the correct .fem deck?
I am asking because, I don't see any property in the solver deck.
Can you please check?
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Yes .fem is the solver deck. But when I open this in OptiStruct I dont see any property (PCOMPP) in your model or am I missing something?
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Hi Prakash,
After I have optimized my structure, I analysed it, so I got a solver deck. After that I made my adjustments by inserting the needed code into the solver deck. now when I try to import the solver deck I get the following process message.
Could you explain the process after I have finished my optimization and before I start the analysis?
Thank you so much.
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Anybody else who can help?
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You need to add cfailure as case unsupported card in hw 13 110
We changed the output request
Rahul R
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Hi Dean,
Looks like the designvariables have same serial ID. HyperMesh has taken care of this by renumbering the designvariables when you import.
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Thanks guys, now I get a failure solution in my anaylsis calculation.
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i am facing the same problem.. neither i am getting the failure index values (plot is zero for all values) and SR.. i tried to input the CFAILURE in deck as you have shown above.. I am unable to get the FI and SR.. kindly help me with this
error message when i import solver deck:
Warning: Unsupported cards found in the I/O options section have been written as unsupported control card.
Summary:Feinput finished with 0 errors and 1 warnings.0 -
Composite ply failure indices output are controlled by CFAILURE keyword since v13.0 version. I see you are using 12.0 Version. Please give a try with latest version 14.0
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ok sir.. but i am unable to obtain failure index and strength ratios atleast..
even they are compatible with only versions since v13?
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Hi Nitish,
You need to request Composite FAILURE and Strength ratio through control cards.
To get Strength ratio output, Go to Control cards>> Global output request>> PARAM>> SRCOMPS.
Since you are using 13.0 you need to add CFAILURE manually. Edit the .fem file using any text editor and input as shown in the image: