Undocumented HyperMesh Commands

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Hi there!

I'd like to share the restults of investigastions for currently undocumented commands in HyperMesh. Feel free to add information about your experiences ...

hm_findclosestpointonline – Find closest point on line for given coordinates.

Syntax            hm_findclosestpointonline x y z lineIDArguments x       The X coordinate of the input point.          y       The Y coordinate of the input point.          z       The Z coordinate of the input point.          lineID  Entity ID of line.Comments Returns  xL yL zL dist          xL    The X coordinate of the nearest point on line.          yL    The Y coordinate of the nearest point on line.          zL    The Z coordinate of the nearest point on line.          dist  The shortest distance from point to line.


  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2008

    WOW - at last!

    HyperMesh 9 help is a html help now which seems to be more complete from the first glance ...

    Thanks Altair!