I want to know for doing a non linear analysis whether we can use the NLSTAT option or not. I have a plastic component so I have to perform a non linear analysis. Which option should I use?
Please use analysis type as NLSTAT.Use MAT1 with MATS1 card for defining nonlinear material.For Detailed information please go through Optistrcut user guide.
Rahul R
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If I use NLSTAT, the error is
*** ERROR # 4068 ***TYPE = 'NLELAST' is only supported in NLGEOM, IMPDYN and EXPDYN subcases.And if I use NLGEOM, the results eg. stress is coming as zero.I have used MAT1 with MATS1 card. I am following the user guide but still I am not able to get the results.0 -
Hi Priyanka,
what is the material you are using?
is it non-linear elastic material (ex: rubber, foam, etc..) ?
If not, please change the TYPE in MATS1 card to PLASTIC instead of NELAST.
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Yes it worked. Thank you so much.
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you have to know, that NLSTAT only supports small displacements AND small strains.
Typically NLSTAT is used for GAP analysis or nonlinear material with very small strains.
For NLGEOM and shells, Hyperworks is using the implicit module of Radioss. The deck, analysis and results are differ from Optistruct.
Best Regards,
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Adding to the above Large displacement analysis, where large strains are involved can be possible with Large Displacement Non-linear static analysis.
This feature is available from HW 13.0 and only supports SOLID ELEMENTS.
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Hi Prakash,
Is it possible to do a NLGEOM analysis for 1D elements with nonlinear material property?
Or the NLGEOM only for shell and solid..?
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Hi Subhu,
MATS1, which takes the non linear material data is not supported for 1D elements. But you can use 1D elements in NLGEOM.
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I have a problem about s-s curve. S-S Curve starts 0.0 and 0.0. So, I selected TYPE is NLELAST. But I cant run as nonlinear quasi-static. I changed S-S curve values, that is,Strain point is 0.0, stress (yield stress) is 48. and LIMIT1 is 48. Type is Plastic. I run it again. the error is
(this is continuation line 1 of TABLES1,13 bulk data)
'+ 0.0 48.0 0.02 48.14 0.02 48.42 0.02 48.68'
*** ERROR # 1127 *** in the input data:
Discontinuities are not allowed at TABLES1 endpoints.What should I do for this problem?
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Hi Prakash,
Woow!! I got it. Thank you. /emoticons/default_smile.png' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' title=':)' width='20' />