Parameter optimization

Is there a possibility to conduct a parameter optimization. I am not interested in free shape and am looking for parameter optimization.
Eg if there is a high concentration of stress, in say the vicinity of a radius (parameter) present in the geometry. Then would it be possible to optimize this parameter (radius) by increasing it automatically in the optimization process. In the end the optimized geometry would be updated with the increased radius.
Thanks in advance
You can modify this radius using hypermorph and perform a shape optimization. Or you can use a free shape optimization where the boundary nodes will move according with some rules, like grow or shrink, move on plane,... you can see it in hyperworks web site
Free Shape Optimization Using Nodal Constraints , but you need to have a client account.
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Hi,You can modify this radius using hypermorph and perform a shape optimization. Or you can use a free shape optimization where the boundary nodes will move according with some rules, like grow or shrink, move on plane,... you can see it in hyperworks web site
Free Shape Optimization Using Nodal Constraints , but you need to have a client account.
Thanks for the information on hypermorph, but that fully does not meet my requirements. I know that I could use shell elements and vary the thickness while doing optimization with hyperstudy. I could use this in my solid model wherin, i could coat a skin of shell elements at the area of interest and perform the optimzation. The final change in thickness would indiacte to me the increase required in the region of the fillet.
Only one issue, I know there exist a possibility to apply skin elements on the regions of intrest but how? In general I have not played around too much with various meshing techniques, could someone eligthen me on this.
Thanks again
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you could use the tool-faces panel to create shell elements around solids.
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you could use the tool-faces panel to create shell elements around solids.
tried out your solution. Thanks a lot for the tip =d>