Contact Surfaces - Help Needed

Dear Friends,
I have started using Hypermesh very recently. I am pre-processing a lorry chassis. I have the model imported from Catia, made the side members and cross members as midsurfaces. Now I am unable to Create a contact between two members, say a side member and a cross member, which have surface contact.. Can anyone help me please?:-s :-s
Contact surfaces are created on elements and nodes not on geometry. After you have meshed the parts depending on your solver use contact manager from utility tab or interfaces panel.
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Dear Ram,
Thanks.. I found it and managed to create contact between the elements.
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Dear All,
I´m trying also to create contact between two solid in HM but the problem is that, when I´m creating the Interface between two csurfs, after clicking create/edit button, I get an error message in SSID and MSID fields. Normally, in my opinion, there should stay the ID number of the slave and the master csurf, am I right ? I´ve created the contact surfaces as solid faces and I making all steps according to HyperWorks Tip/Trick # 1007 sheet.
Why the interface didn´t find created csurfs ? Need they some special properties ?
Thanks in advance for Your reply.